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These plants, funghi and insect illustrations
are part of my botanical oracle deck

Myosotis scorpioides | Forget-Me-Not

Botanical Overview of Forget-Me-Not

  • Scientific Name: Myosotis scorpioides

  • Common Names: Forget-Me-Not, True Forget-Me-Not, Water Forget-Me-Not, Scorpion Grass

  • Family: Boraginaceae

  • Description: Forget-me-not is a perennial herb recognized for its delicate, sky-blue flowers with yellow or white centers. The flowers, about 1 cm in diameter, grow in clusters and bloom from spring to autumn. The plant reaches a height of 15-30 cm and has hairy, lance-shaped leaves. Stems are slender and often creep along the ground or lean over water bodies, giving rise to its common name, “Water Forget-Me-Not.”

myosotis scorpioides botanical illustration

Properties of Forget-Me-Not

  • Chemical Constituents: Contains a range of bioactive compounds including tannins, alkaloids, flavonoids, and saponins.

  • Edibility: While not commonly consumed, forget-me-not flowers are sometimes used as an edible garnish in salads or as a decorative element in desserts. They have a mild flavor and are safe to eat in small quantities, but large consumption is not recommended due to the presence of alkaloids.

Distribution and Habitat of Forget-Me-Not

  • Native Range: Europe and parts of Asia.

  • Preferred Habitat: Forget-me-not thrives in moist environments, commonly found along stream banks, in wetlands, and in damp meadows. It prefers partially shaded areas and can tolerate a range of soil types, provided they remain consistently moist. This plant is often grown in gardens for its charming flowers and ability to attract pollinators.

Medicinal Properties and Uses of Forget-Me-Not

  • Traditional Uses: Traditionally, forget-me-not was used in folk medicine for its purported benefits in treating respiratory ailments, nosebleeds, and eye infections. It was also employed as a diuretic and to relieve minor skin irritations. However, these uses were more anecdotal and not as widely practiced as with some other herbs.

  • Modern Applications: In modern herbalism, forget-me-not is less commonly used for medicinal purposes compared to other herbs. However, the plant’s mild astringent properties mean it can still be found in some herbal skin care preparations aimed at soothing and toning the skin.

Magical Correspondences and Uses of Forget-Me-Not in Magical Practice

  • Element: Water

  • Planet: Venus, Mercury

  • Magical Properties: Remembrance, love, protection, and fidelity.

  • Uses: Forget-me-not is cherished in magical practices for its associations with memory and enduring love. It is commonly used in spells and rituals to maintain connections with loved ones, especially those who are far away or deceased. Placing the flowers on an altar or carrying them as a talisman can help foster a sense of emotional closeness and continuity. Forget-me-not is also employed in love magic, where it is used to ensure fidelity and strengthen bonds between partners. In protective magic, the plant’s energy is harnessed to guard against forgetfulness and to keep memories alive. Its soothing presence makes it a fitting choice for rituals aimed at emotional healing and reconciliation.

Folklore, Legends, and Mythology of Forget-Me-Not

  • Historical Context: Forget-me-not has long been associated with themes of remembrance and love. Its name is said to have originated from a German legend involving a knight and his lady. According to the tale, the knight, while picking the flowers by a river, fell into the water and, before drowning, tossed the bouquet to his beloved, urging her to “forget me not.”

  • Folklore: Throughout Europe, forget-me-not has been a symbol of constancy and enduring affection. It was often included in bouquets given to departing soldiers or travelers to ensure they would be remembered by those they left behind. In Victorian floriography, or the language of flowers, forget-me-not conveyed messages of true love and fidelity.

  • Mythology: In mythology, forget-me-not is linked to themes of memory and the afterlife. Some legends suggest that wearing or carrying the flowers can help the wearer remember their past lives or connect with ancestors. The plant's association with Venus, the goddess of love, further reinforces its role as a symbol of love and devotion.


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