Botanical Overview of Arabica Coffee
Scientific Name: Coffea arabica
Common Names: Arabica Coffee, Coffee
Family: Rubiaceae
Description: A small, evergreen shrub or tree with glossy, dark green leaves and fragrant, white flowers. The plant produces red or purple cherries containing two seeds each, known as coffee beans. It grows up to 9 meters tall but is typically pruned to a more manageable height.

Properties of Arabica Coffee
Chemical Constituents: Caffeine, chlorogenic acids, lipids, diterpenes (cafestol, kahweol), and carbohydrates.
Edibility: Coffee beans are roasted and ground to brew coffee, one of the most popular beverages worldwide.
Distribution and Habitat of Arabica Coffee
Native Range: Highlands of Ethiopia and South Sudan.
Preferred Habitat: Grows best in tropical climates with rich, well-drained soil and ample rainfall. Prefers high altitudes, typically between 1,200 and 2,200 meters above sea level.
Medicinal Properties and Uses of Arabica Coffee
Traditional Uses: Known for its stimulating effects due to caffeine content. Traditionally used to combat fatigue, enhance alertness, and improve mood.
Modern Applications: Coffee is widely used to enhance cognitive function, increase energy levels, and support metabolic health. It contains antioxidants that contribute to its anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective properties. Caffeine is also used in some topical applications for its vasoconstrictive and anti-cellulite effects.
Magical Correspondences and Uses in Magical Practice of Arabica Coffee
Element: Fire
Planet: Mars
Magical Properties: Energy, motivation, grounding, and focus.
Uses: Arabica Coffee is used in magical practices to enhance energy and motivation. It can be included in spells and rituals to boost concentration, focus, and determination. Coffee grounds can be used in grounding rituals and to clear away negative energy. Brewed coffee can be incorporated into potions for energy and alertness, and used as an offering to deities associated with strength and vitality.
Folklore, Legends, and Mythology of Arabica Coffee
Historical Context: Arabica coffee has been cultivated and consumed for centuries, particularly in the Arab world. It was introduced to Europe in the 17th century and quickly became popular.
Folklore: According to Ethiopian legend, a goat herder named Kaldi discovered coffee when he noticed his goats becoming energetic after eating the berries. He shared his discovery with a local monk, who used the berries to stay awake during long hours of prayer.
Mythology: In some cultures, coffee is considered a gift from the gods, symbolizing vitality and divine energy. It has been used in religious rituals and offerings to deities.